Barueri (SP) will have Energy Recovery Unit

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The first urban waste-burning plant for electric power generation is expected to begin construction in the first quarter of 2017, in the city of Barueri, in the state of São Paulo. The project with the name Energy Recovery Unit (ERU) follows the same model of power plants in countries such as Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands and Germany.

In the model installed in Barueri the solid waste is burned with a technique called Mass Burn, that is, it does not require any previous treatment or separation. These solid wastes combust, generating steam that moves turbines in the same way a thermoelectric plant would do. Some of the electricity generated is used by the plant itself, while 87% go directly to the city’s energy grid. In English, this type of energy generation is called Waste to Energy (WTE).

Read more on the Ambiente Energia portal.